
Showing posts from 2010

"Father dies, son dies, grandson dies."

Few days back, i came across a shocking news that struck my family. My sister-in-law brother passed away in a accident. Which upset me when looked into the matter in any angle. My later Brother-in-law has a son, 4 years in age, who will not understand what has happend to hi father. And a wife, who cannot be convinced by any answers and his Mother and Father, no one can imagine the kind of suffering they are going through now. When such tragedy happens , it shatters everything in the family. No argument can ever justify this even. Many years back, i used to spend my time with very books,. Shouts of Nothingness , by Tsai Chih Chung was one of them. Which has a collection of Illustrated Zen stories. And i remember one of the story... A rich man asked a Zen master to write something down that could encourage the prosperity of his family for years to come. It would be something that the family could cherish for generations. On a large piece of paper, the master wrote, "Father dies, so